35 ways to promote mindfulness every day
Do you waste time thinking about everyday life things that don’t add value? In a world of busy work days and chaotic schedules, you can have a sound mind in just a few minutes a day and it can be life changing! With the right tools you can have better mental health and live an authentic life. Some of these tools have changed my life and feel I lead a more mindful life now than before. Some people think living a life for themself is selfish. Living life for yourself that aligns to your needs and values is one of the most authentic things you can do for yourself and your peace of mind.
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Ways to promote everyday mindfulness

1. Take the time to meditate
The simple practice of meditation every day can change your perspective on life and what really matters. Using a rhythmic breathing exercise or reciting a mantra are two great tools to assist in enhancing meditation sessions. We all can benefit from consistent meditation routines that keep our mind peaceful. Meditating can help sleep. Navigating the waters of life can be difficult, it would be nice to have a sturdy ship along the way.
2. Be grateful for what you have in life
A lot of people can take for granted the many great things they have in life. Practicing gratitude and being thankful for what we have in life can change the way we view life. There are people that are not in a good place, so we should have gratitude for the blessings we do have.
3. Treat yourself with kindness and respect
You are enough and whatever challenging things you are going through they are temporary. Live the life that you are meant to live, remember to have fun, and to treat yourself well. Having self compassion is priceless and doing activities that you enjoy won’t seem like a chore for you.
4. Meditate while using a singing bowl
Singing bowls can offer great sonic enhancement to your meditation routine. You can use them for “sound baths” and the consistent sound can be soothing to your ears and senses. There are many great options available that you can purchase to add to your meditation space.
5. Meditation apps are helpful
They can help you navigate the day and feel like you have better mental health. You can download meditation apps which can enhance your sessions and can add depth to them. There are many great meditation apps available. It’s best to choose one that is right for you and your purpose in life.
6. There are many great books out there about everyday mindfulness
Books from all sorts of authors exist from modern times and from many years ago. Having a sound mind and more mindfulness is very important for your health and well-being. Books are a great tool to help promote a peaceful life. Many books teach about the benefits of mindful living.

7. Moving around is essential
Moving around helps with blood circulation and your overall health. It is best for everyone to exercise when possible. It keeps your mind occupied and keeps the body healthy. Keeping our mind and body healthy are two of the most important things we can do for ourselves.
8. Combine activities that you like to do
For example drinking a cup of coffee while reading a book. Or listening to music or meditation tracks while writing a paper or exercising. Enjoying the present moment while doing things you like to do can add to overall happiness and peace. In doing this you will have more fun and tasks won’t seem like a chore.
9. Breathe deeply
Slowly breathing in and out during the day can help us become more present and aware. There are many great apps, books, and meditation courses that can be a great guide. Mindful breathing can help us to be more patient and can reduce stress levels during challenging times.
10. Have intention each day
Setting a mindful intention for how you want your day to go can help that intention become a reality. Visualize your day going the way you want it to while staying aware and in the present moment. Living life on your terms and experiencing what you truly want in life can be very empowering.
11. Take time from digital devices
Technology is great and can be used for many great reasons, but we all need to take time to appreciate what is around us(especially nature). This can be very peaceful and help put us in a different state of awareness while giving us peace of mind.
12. Manage anger using breathing techniques
Whenever you have anger, take slow deep breaths in and then out. Whenever you experienced anger before that, think about how that felt. Don’t blame yourself. Accept that anger is a normal feeling. Breathe in slowly in and out releasing the anger on the exhale. Acknowledge how releasing the anger feels.

13. Do activities that bring you peace
Whether this is reading, watching movies, playing video games, playing sports, etc. There are many activities that can keep your mind occupied and at peace. When you do activities and you lose track of time you know these are the activities that bring you peace.
14. Listen to the sounds
While sitting in a comfortable chair or laying down, close your eyes. Try to identify all of the sounds that you hear around you. The more you relax the more sounds you are able to hear. Tapping into the sounds we hear can relax our mind and allow our mind to not think about stressful things.
15. Use a sound machine
Using a sound machine while meditating or just relaxing can help enhance the relaxation and peace of the moment. Sound machines can play relaxing sounds, white noise, and can add peace to the moment. There are many great sound machines available that can help with relaxation.
16. Let go of things you can’t change
Sometimes we all need to accept things in life that we can’t change. We spend energy and time in trying to fix things we can’t change. During this we realize we should have spent energy and time on things that matter the most in our lives.
17. Set up a routine each day
This keeps the mind occupied and builds discipline. Whether this is meditation, reading, listening to your favorite music, cooking your favorite meal, watching your favorite movie or tv show, etc. This creates mindfulness and peace for your mind and allows you to build a craft.
18. Take a 20 minute walk
Whether this is outside, on a treadmill, etc. It has been proven that taking a 20 minute walk each day can add years to your life. Walking is one of many ways to excercise and to keep the body healthy. Keeping the body healthy as well as the mind is essential for living a longer life.
19. Grounding to connect with nature
Grounding is a great way to expand awareness and to promote peace of mind. One way of grounding is to step on grass with bare feet. In doing this you can feel the earth beneath your feet. Grounding while meditating can enhance the experience and allow you to connect with the earth and nature.
20. Take time to enjoy your meals
So many people are conditioned to rush eating that they miss just enjoying a good meal for themselves. Mindful eating allows us to just enjoy meals. Most of us are so pressed for time that we don’t take time to slow down and just enjoy our meals.
21. Take time to visualize
If there is something that you are putting your energy towards achieving, close your eyes and visualize what it will feel like to achieve that goal and how good you will feel. Visualization can be a very mindful activity and can help you achieve your dreams in life.
22. Enjoy the moment
Whatever activity you are focusing your attention on, whether this is watching TV, a movie, reading, or listening to music, enjoy that moment for all it is worth. There are many distractions throughout the day that can bring you away from mindfulness practice. Being present each day is the best way to live.
23. Look to be positive throughout the day
Even if you are experiencing anger or negative emotions, this is temporary and will soon pass. Life will not always be positive, but looking on the positive side builds character and allows you to mentally handle negative or stressful situations. Being able to tackle life’s challenges with a calm mind is key to living a less stressful life.
24. Set goals at work each day
Doing this will motivate you to achieve tasks that need to be completed during the day. Writing your goals down or taking digital notes is a great way to be productive at work. This will allow you to visualize and see a list of your goals each day. Then you can complete the list in order of priority.
25. Set up a space for daily meditation
Find a favorite spot in your house or apartment that would be best for meditation. A quiet room would work best. There are many products out there including cushions, tables, decor, and sound machines that you can add to your meditation space to make it your own.
26. Meditate with a comfortable cushion
There are many great meditation cushion choices out there for anyone to use. The use of a good meditation cushion can help with comfort and helps your session be more effective. Meditation cushions can also help with your posture during your meditation session which is very important.
27. Adding fine art to a room
Adding fine art to any room can add depth and meaning. There have been many great artists past and present and depending on your preference, there is art out there for anyone. There is even art on Amazon.
28. Affirmation cards can bring positivity
There are many sets of affirmation cards out there that can add positivity and purpose to a person’s life. Using these cards each day can bring more peace to your life and help you reach your goals.
29. Take life one day at a time
Life is not a race and we all need to take time to relax and not think too much about the future. It’s OK to plan things out but it’s not worth it to be stressed by anything. The health of the mind is just as important as the health of your body, so make sure to keep peace of mind.
30. Times of stress
In times of stress, we all need to have an outlet to bring peace to the mind. Whether this is practicing meditation, playing music, listening to music, playing baseball or any other activity that we enjoy. Being able to manage stress in this way is better for health, happiness, and well-being.
31. Be true to yourself
In times of when you need to be true to yourself under the pressure from others or society, always stay true to yourself even if others disagree. The most important thing is the happiness of oneself. We can’t make others happy unless we are happy first.
32. Listen to music
Listening to your favorite music each day can elevate your mood, peace, and happiness. It is a way to mentally take a break from the everyday stresses of life. There are many different genres to choose from. Or you can listen to meditation music if you choose to.
33. Write your thoughts down
Writing your thoughts down each day can allow you to reflect on your life and experiences. Whether these experiences were positive or negative, we all make mistakes and can learn from them. Being able to recognize these mistakes and learning from them can transform someone’s life.
34. Be proud of yourself
When accomplishing tasks or goals take the time to be proud of yourself and the things you’ve accomplished. Many people dream of accomplishing goals, but they never actually achieve them. The key to this is the belief that you can achieve your dreams no matter what they are.
35. Be creative
The world needs creativity and we all have the capability to tap into our creative side. Whether you want to be an artist, create a website, compose a piece of music, or film an award winning video, sometimes it is all about taking that first step to get the wheels in motion.
There are many ways that you can stay mindful throughout everyday life. Mindfulness practice is important. From this list you can choose which ways work best for you. Practicing mindfulness and these steps can add more mindful moments to your life. There are many products out there that can help with some of these steps. Just remember that your happiness is most important and that you cannot make others happy unless you are happy. Taking steps to be more mindful can greatly increase your chances of being happy in life and will position yourself to live the life that you want and that is authentic to you.